The Ill Manors official website has now been taken down (the film is over three years old) but look at the screenshot below and think about how it promotes the film in synergy with other texts/platforms you have studied.
Ill Manors blog task
Answer the following questions on your blog:
What examples can you find of the Ill Manors brand on the Ill Manors website homepage screengrab above?
- dark colour scheme
- troubled individuals
- crime
- the house
- graffiti
- costume
- ill manors logo
- twitter campaign
- reference to the movie poster
- plan b mentioned
How does the website encourage the audience to buy or interact with Ill Manors products?
- has the twitter hastag from the campaign
- graffiti saying 'buy now'
- link to trailer
- link to album
- DVD reference on top
- on demand reference
- download reference
Look at Plan B's official website. How does it use social media in terms of content and design?
- social media links are present throughout
- stand out?
This statement is almost exactly like the Tedx talk and works in synergy with the presentation of he music video. However the fact that he is saying that he isn't justifying the riots is , to me, false. Because in fact that is exactly what he is doing by justifying with such certainty that troubled teenagers committed such an act not the idea of peer pressure etc. I understand that the riots caused prejudices towards teenagers, maybe not so much the underclass as much as people would prefer to think these acts where committed by a 'underclass'. These have always been underlying issues and i don't think justifying the riots, or giving reasoning for the riots, is the right angle to use when addressing the young working class teenage audience as its just reinforcing a particular stereotype.
- Why do you think social media is overtaking official websites in terms of film promotion?
- the are easier to promote
- more young audience
- easier to access
- link to various other platforms /integrated
- easier to set up
- more interactive = more identification and personal relationship
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