How many 'likes' has the Ill Manors film page had? 29,876 likes
What is the top of the page promoting? the films, blu-ray , on demand, DVD and download
Choose five of the posts on the page's wall, screengrab them and explain how they appeal to the Ill Manor's target audience.

This appeals to the younger audience the ill Manors campaign tried to target. The 16-19 year old focus of the advertisement helps to provide the insight. This also suggests that the target audience may be fairly artistic and have an appreciation for film making in general e.g. they might be interested in social realism and aspire to create/ learn about movies themselves.

The Brit awards is a direct reference to the British audience that the social realism of ill manors targets, moreover the awards are watched by a fairly young audience which again is reference to the young audience ill manors targets. This not only targets his music fan base but also his 'director' fan base.

The idea of poetry links to the idea of plan b's music audience, that appreciate music and the messages they hold. This is especially true due to rap being perceived a 'spoken poetry' by some.

The appreciation the audience has for protest music. Targeting the reformers and struggles as they hope to change the world and express they opinions that may not be so conventional.

the plan b loyal audience is referenced just by the mention of his name. The independent would make reference to the more sophisticated+ middle classed audience eg. from the tedx talk.
Find three examples of synergy with other platforms (links to broadcast clips or newspaper/magazine articles). Explain how each one promotes the film.
It has a link to the trailer(youtube). This is in order to promote not only the soundtrack but also the movie itself.
Another link (shown above) is to the website article to the protest music of the movie. This helps to promote the message, director and concept of the whole movie itself.
There is also a link to the Imbd website where individuals who liked the page would give positive reviews and high ratings to where most people would go in order to decide weather to buy the movie or not thus promoting it.
Find three examples on the Facebook wall of opportunities for user generated content or audience interaction (e.g. a question that invites people to comment or a competition to enter).
All the posts i used in the beginning all have aspects that encourage people to participate.
The question about music changing the world allows for people to touch on the issue ill manors addresses and helps the audiences to look through the comments and potentially identify with certain views or not.
The poetry one helps the much more music audience to participate and promote plan b as an artist and then in turn the movie.
There are also a lot of promotions to oxford circus which promotes the characters/actors of the movie helping personal identification to form and therefore promote the movie.
Find three examples of the Facebook page cross-promoting the soundtrack or DVD release.

Find the Twitter graffiti campaign link on the Facebook wall and screengrab it.

How did the institution use the Facebook page to promote the film's release in May/June 2012?
They count down till the release date
Posts trailers
Post special content
Ill Manors Twitter feed
How does the Ill Manors Twitter feed use the Ill Manors brand to promote the film?
Posting consistent updates
Showing many exclusive content especially of characters
Contact with Fans
Further links
What hashtags are used on the Ill Manors Twitter feed?
Find three celebrities the Ill Manors Twitter feed re-tweeted to promote the film and explain how they appeal to the Ill Manors target audience.
Q Magazine @QMagazine
Best Track presented by @QRadiouk goes to Ill Manors by Plan B @4PlanB #QAwards Happy Birthday Ben!
(no a celeb but still)
This appeals to the target audience because the music fans of Plan B in genral will be one of the prime audience of the movie, this therefore uses plan b as a means of promotion by using his success.
iLL Manors Retweeted

BIG THANX ALL THE PEEPS who came out to HMV tonite! Enjoy the movie!! #illMANORS @iLLManors x
This is one of the main people, drive, core of the movie and promotion of it. Plan B is the main aspect of synergy throughout all the promotional techniques therefore obviously will be present in the social networking side where his main young target audience mostly is.
iLL Manors Retweeted

HMV iLL Manors DVD signing was great!! Thanks to all iLL Manors fans who came down!!! Good to c @iLLManors family!!
By re-tweeting an actor from the movies actor of a fairly major role helps to promote the DVD due to the personal identification that can potentially form. Moreover the reference to the DVD signing overall just helps to bring up the topic and remind the audience to buy it.
1 like
How has the Ill Manors Twitter feed used pictures to help promote the film?
It helps to promote a personal relationship with the actors as well as helping them identify with aspects of the individuals. On top of that it helps to add other potential fan bases by the appearance of other celebrities.
Find examples of the Ill Manors Tag London campaign in the Ill Manors Twitter feed and explain how they help to target the right audience for the film.

This is quiet obviously reflecting a lot of appeal and participants of the reformers audience. It reflects the want for social change, and appeals to the younger audience as well as the artistic through the graffiti concept.
How was the Ill Manors Twitter feed used to specifically promote the release of the film (May/June 2012) and the release on DVD (October 2012)? Choose three tweets for each and explain how they effectively promote the film.

The review shows how good the movie was trying to justify to the viewers why they should go and watch the movie, its asking them to trust the review and try the movie.

By showing the red carpet aspect of the release the audience become aware of how to get hold of the movie, judging the characters to see weather or not the want to watch the movie through the development if personal identification.

By the DVD release the audience can look at the reviews and connotations of genre and be encouraged to buy the movie.
Ill Manors on Instagram
How has Ill Manors used the Instagram platform to promote Ill Manors?
The hastags used help to appeal to a wider range in audience and help the audience to promote the movie also.
Choose three particular images/posts and explain why they are effective in promoting the film.
effective logo, as it reflects the movie genre which the target audience for the pariticular genre will identify
soundtrack helps to promote the idea that institution wants to be close to their fans and thus helps to promote identification across the platforms
another picture of the cast and crew helps to promote the idea that everyone in the movie is trying to reach out to the target audience and help them become close to audience to help create identification as well as a relationship between the two.
What hashtags are used on Instagram to promote the film? Is there consistency in branding/hashtags across social media? Why is this important?
#illmanors #fire #plan b yes because this helps to connect all the platforms together creating synergy in the fact that the most important things of the brand are constantly hastaged throughout the platforms highlighting htier
importance and significance.
YouTube - planbuk channel
How was the planbuk YouTube channel used to promote the Ill Manors film?
It promotes the sountrack of the movie which directly link to the main issues faced in the movie as well as exclusive content of the movie helping it to reach a wider audience.
What links to other social networking sites can you find on the planbuk channel homepage?
Find examples of synergy or cross-promotion between the planbuk YouTube channel and other media texts you have studied as part of the case study. Explain how they both promote the film and appeal to the Ill Manors target audience.
The tone, concept and idea of the movie and sountrack is consitant throughout all methods of promotion.
What links to other social networking sites can you find on the planbuk channel homepage?
google =
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