Thursday, 4 February 2016

Ill Manors broadcast: music video analysis

Ill Manors music video: blog task

Answer the following questions on your blog using the minimum three-paragraph structure we have discussed for MEST1 Section A:

Media Forms

How is it typical of a music video? 

There is a huge aspect of performance in the music video. Plan B is shot proforming in various locations, some of which are usual places eg. abandoned buildings and other times in in various real life situations such as a group of kids messing around. This usually happens in various typical music videos as it helps to promote identifications as well as aid a certain direct address through the Singer looking at the camera in close ups helping to rely a emotional perspective which is in synergy with the lyrics of the video. It is made easier for the audience to follow through a similar costume of a hoodie which is in synergy with the rest of the costumes of various other characters due to the theme of the music video. Moreover the use of lyrics on screen help the audience understand crucial aspects of the lyrics while being a key convention of a music video. 

This thematic side of the music video is kept constant through the consistent montage element and constant mise-en-scene aspect of similar props and costumes carried out through all the characters, the various street images are very typical to the urban sounding track. Moreover the darker low key lighting helps to set a darker more protestant mood which works in synergy with the lyrics of the music. The overall video is in synergy with the lyrics to such an extent that you see direct reference of lyrics to what we see on screen, this makes the overall message of the soundtrack explicitly clear which is usually what most music videos aim to achieve.

There is also a very constant link to narrative like many other music videos. This music video is fast paced in order to fit a sort of narrative, which is more of an explanation for the inspiration of producing the Ill manors movie, into 4 minutes. The music video, however remains at a fair amount of disequilibrium as its reflecting a narrative of a current situation for the people involved and referenced to in the movie. This 'current' time narrative is also aided through the inter-texuality of actual footage from the riots which is an issue being addressed through the lyrics and the video.

There are various other techniques which have been used in the video that are typical of music videos. For example the cutting and pace of editing is in synergy with the pace and rhythm of the music. Also the intercutting between the various shots is smooth and carries through a pattern which shows a clear flow through narrative. The cinematography is also very typical which constants of many hand held camera shots which involves a lot of movement which is extremely typical to the rap genre of music videos.

Media Representations
How does it represent the London riots/rioters?

There is a lot of reinforcement of negative sterotypes involved in the music video. An example of this is the negative sterotype of the rioters being mainly young teenagers, who are overly active and "have nothing to do" and are just looking for a "cheap thrill". However, despite the lyrics suggesting otherwise what we see on screen is suggesting exactly that, young teenagers messing around and having a laugh while not caring about the impact that the are having on the environment around them. 

The use of binary oppositions also helps to show just how hectic the London riots where. Its like the young vs the older members of the public, the rich vs the poor, the unemployed (youngsters) vs the employed (police). These opposites being placed right next to one another throughout the music video suggests that the London riots where hectic, like a 'war' and that the rioters where the opposites of the people they were looting(etc.) which actually highlights plan B's idea that these young people are being isolated by society and are presented almost as outcasts. 

However, the lyrics of the music video means that the video subverts from the typical representation of the young people/rioters of Britian. Despite the visuals reinforcing these stereotypes the lyrics work to prove why these assumptions and stereotypes are incorrect and instead articulates anger and protest of the eyes of the riots instead of the typical representation of the occurrence. 

Media Audiences
What audience pleasures does the music video offer?

Applying Blumer and Katzs gratification theory to the music video we are highlighted the audience pleasure of identification/personal relationship with the characters presented in the music video. This helps the main target audience to notice similarities between themselves and the characters of screen in order to form a bond and in turn identify with the lyrics, not only the characters, which gives these individuals the satisfaction of being understood and pleased with a voice being expressed.  Not only will teenagers identify, buit also the left wing supporters and middle classes individuals. 

This idea of identification or some sort of agreement being reached across various audiences means that the secondary audience is also pleased. This could be done through the use of star power, this would allow individuals satisfaction for noticing the characters, or the left wing/politically aware audience understanding the political references, thus acting as a reward for knowing about something they enjoy. Moreover, the locations used are local to the London audience which also allows the mise-en-scene to satisfy the London audience for reasons such as seeing a accurate representation of how the area, in reality, looks and not just from a tourist point of view. 

The editing also serves as a source of pleasure for the viewing audience.This is due to the fast pace of it, which not only works in synergy with the speed of the lyrics but also helps to make the video more dramatic and then in turn less boring, which is usually important for a younger target audience due to their sort attentions spans which means they become bored very rapidly. This is supported by Plan B's aggressive performance which helps to add to the passion and importance of the message being conveyed. 

Media Institutions
How does the music video help to promote the film?

The music video has many ambiguous appearance of the characters who play their 'on screen personalies' even in the music video. This allows the audience to understand the characters of the movie as well as working vice versa and allowing the past experience of watching the film increase the pleasure of noticing these characters. 

The film is also promoted by Plan B featuring heavily in this music video to persuade his already loyal music audience to go and watch the movie which he passionately promotes through his engaging performance.

The consistent mise-en-scene in the trailer and music video helps to promote the film as the clothing and locations may allow certain audiences to identify but also attract an audience who likes to watch a certain genre of movies.

There is also cross use of technical aspects in the music video and film, eg. the music, which helps to have a constant theme travelling through attracting a certain audience based on music taste and genre taste. 

Ill Manors soundtrack research task

the record companies/institutions behind Plan B - 679 // Atlantic  // Mercury//  Pet Cemetery // Warner Bros. // Asylum  

sales/downloads for the soundtrack -"first-week sales of 37,455 copies" (wiki)

music reviews ;

Plan B's fans' reviews and comments ; 
(youtube comments) 

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