Friday, 26 February 2016

Ill Manors e-media: Tag London campaign

Now answer the following questions on your blog :

Summarise the Ill Manors Tag London campaign in 100 of your own words.

The Tag London campaign was a marketing strategy used by Plan B's record company set up in order to generate user generated content. This was through creating a hashtag which individuals could tweet regarding the political theme of London’s state right now and their opinion on it. This helped spread the word of the movie as well as helping the target audience getting involved in order to help them identify with things such as the political views which in turn helped to promote the album that goes alongside the film. This appealed to the young target audience trough social media.

How does the Ill Manors Tag London campaign help to promote the film?

The ill manors tag helped to promote the film by promoting the album. This was due to the theme and concepts that are running through both the movie and music album. This synergy along the texts would mean a similar target audience, the awareness raised by people expressing their own individual views on the matter allowed individuals from the potential target audience to identify with the views expressed, e.g. the political views e.t.c. which made the actual film, not only the album, appear more attractive and something they would agree with/ relate to. 

What synergy (links) can you find between the Tag London campaign and other texts you have studied as part of the Ill Manors case study?

The synergy between the Tag London campaign other texts and the ill manors case study is that they all, again, play on plan b's original audience/fan base by using his name and music to promote the ill manors movie and campaign. The consistent theme and characters are portrayed while keeping the coverage generated to the core of his aim, the political message.  

Why might user-generated campaigns like this be more successful than traditional media campaigns?

User generated campaigns such as this are much more successful compared to traditional media campaigns because they have a focused sort of audience, usually young and socially active, making it easier to target the audience as you are more easily able to assess what they would like/dislike. Moreover these sort of campaigns feed into our natural sense of curiosity as once these things start trending other individuals what to know more about the campaign and what it is about thus promoting the brand/media text more effectively as well as more cheaply. Moreover these campaigns allow the audience to express there own different opinions which allows it to become more personal for individuals as they find themselves identifying, making it more effective as there is more than the traditional amount of information they can identify with which is usual in other media promotional techniques such as tv adverts due to the advanced variety. 

Choose FIVE of the tweets above and for each one write what target audience the tweet could appeal to (demographics/psychographics) and then link the tweet to one other media text you have studied as part of the Ill Manors case study (TEDx lecture, music video etc.) Justify your link for each tweet using examples from the film/promotional material.


  • Target audience -  
  • Labour supporters/conservitive dislikers
  • strugglers
  • reformers
  • 17-35 year olds potentially 
    • E-B demogrpahic class
link to other media texts -
Music video/sound track : due to it quoting the lyrics used 
TEDx lecture : due to the left wing viewpoint
The movie : due to the idea of struggling under this government 


target audience - 
  • left wing supporters : left wing ideology that there shouldn't be such a financial gap
  • stugglers : "poor getting poorer"
  • Reformers: social awarness
  • 25+
Links to other media texts - 
  • Music video : highlighted the financial gap 
  • tedx : government / not speaking up  


target audience - 
  • plan b's music fans
  • explorers
  • reformers
  • 16-28 year old
  • equality preachers / left wing
links to other media - 
  • music video - lyrics
  • ill manors - storyline
  • tedx talk - we have to make the difference

  • 15+ audience
  • more males than females - 60/40 split
  • stugglers
  • reformers
links to other media - 
  • movie posters - crumbling building etc. theme
  • ill manors - set in london and showing the negatives
  • music video - destructive theme/society visually and lyrics


target audience - 
  • reformers
  • explorers
  • aspirers 
  • 13-26 year olds
links to other media -
  • tedx talk - we have to make the change by taking action 
  • ill manors - the youth struggle
  • music video - the youth being rejected
  • poster - isolated young people. 

Monday, 22 February 2016

Ill Manors print: branding

Print platform: branding

Find at least three different print examples (adverts, DVD packaging etc.) for Ill Manors. Post the images up on your blog and answer the following questions for each text:
  1. What are the key conventions that help you identify the print text (e.g. title, central image, review quotes etc.)?
  1. What design features help identify the Ill Manors brand?
  2. What examples of synergy can you find with the broadcast platform or other print examples?

  1. What are the key conventions that help you identify the print text (e.g. title, central image, review quotes etc.)?
central image
  1. What design features help identify the Ill Manors brand?

  1. What examples of synergy can you find with the broadcast platform or other print examples?
logo type
character potrayal 
reference to plan b
colour scheme/theme

  1. What are the key conventions that help you identify the print text (e.g. title, central image, review quotes etc.)?
plan b logo
main image
  1. What design features help identify the Ill Manors brand?
the typography is consistant
the simple yet effective layout
the city(run down) theme
plan b himself
  1. What examples of synergy can you find with the broadcast platform or other print examples?
plan b reference
theme of city
colour scheme
dark theme (smoking)

  1. What are the key conventions that help you identify the print text (e.g. title, central image, review quotes etc.)?
central image
director reference
  1. What design features help identify the Ill Manors brand?
dark themes
types of comments
colour scheme is dark
  1. What examples of synergy can you find with the broadcast platform or other print examples?
plan b reference
portryal of characters
types of comments

Friday, 12 February 2016

Ill Manors: Print platform

For EACH of the four interviews, embed an image or screengrab from that magazine's brand and work through the following questions and tasks:

Mens Health Magazine;

1) Identify the target audience (demographics/psychographics) for this magazine. How is that particular audience attracted?

The target audience is of around 18-49 as it focuses on a issue regarding their interests as well as having a more sophisticated layout. 
The percentage is around 80% male and 20% female, as females are likely to check this information, as around 60% of the readers are married, for significant others etc. and men because it is focused around them.
the sophisticated layout and style of writing appeals to the 30% of readers who have graduated college or the 30% that do managerial jobs suggests a higher audience class of around b-a as well as the 70% who are in full time employment.

The psychographics are likely to be of succeeders as they are driven and ambitious, 
aspirers as they wish to set trends
explorers due to thing like trying new trends 
and reformers due to these qualities also.

2) Does the article do more than just entertain? How? (Think of Uses and Gratifications theory) What audience pleasures does the article offer?

Personal relationship - He understands obese life
Surveillance - How to better your health

3) What codes/conventions of print interviews can you find in the article? 



4) How is narrative used to tell a story in each interview? Clue: what is it that keeps the reader interested in the article to the very end?

The headings can be seen to show the flow of the narrative, moving from equilibrium of a new film, disequilibrium of the emotions he went through for the film and being obese and equilibrium at the resolve he comments on at the end. ending with a positive message. 

5) What synergy can you find between this text and the broadcast examples we have studied so far?

They both talk about his film, deeper emotions regarding change and being motivated to make that change himself and the understanding he reflects for various different aspects especially young people. 

NME Magazine interview :

1) Identify the target audience (demographics/psychographics) for this magazine. How is that particular audience attracted?

males aged 17-30 due to the darker tones, explicit language and images and the perspective given. 
at the time, when the magazine was prices, it would of been individuals who work and are educated therefore of a c1-b1 demographic

the controversial view point suggests explorers, who would be different to mainstreamers, reformers and aspirers who have view points wanting to change key ideologies of society. 

2) Does the article do more than just entertain? How? (Think of Uses and Gratifications theory) What audience pleasures does the article offer?

personal realtionship - due to understanding his view point and maybe even 

3) What codes/conventions of print interviews can you find in the article? 


4) How is narrative used to tell a story in each interview? Clue: what is it that keeps the reader interested in the article to the very end?

he refers to the 6 different narratives of the movie creating some sort of preview spoilers regarding the movie serving as beneficial to the audience. 

5) What synergy can you find between this text and the broadcast examples we have studied so far?

the point of view is consitant, his motivation is still clear. He also refers to the movie narrative making the links. 

Guardian Interview; 

1) Identify the target audience (demographics/psychographics) for this magazine. How is that particular audience attracted?

mainly of a ab-c1 class group refelcted through the range of views in just this one interview
an even spread from 17-65+ through the range of ideas and way in which they are presented.
53% male 47% female reflected through the subject focus and opinion expressed
70% higher education reflected through the sophisticated language but use of dialect too
50% working full time

2) Does the article do more than just entertain? How? (Think of Uses and Gratifications theory) What audience pleasures does the article offer?

personal relationship- due to the back story
identification - if they can relate themselves

3) What codes/conventions of print interviews can you find in the article? 


4) How is narrative used to tell a story in each interview? Clue: what is it that keeps the readerinterested in the article to the very end?

it describes the disqualibrium of his past life and how he has over come these problems and what he is still doing to over come them which serves as a sort of equalibrium of the narrative. 
The clear step by step link from each aspect of his life helps the audience follow the narrative also.

5) What synergy can you find between this text and the broadcast examples we have studied so far?

Again, his view points, motivation and ideas are still the same and still have the core idea and belief. 

Daily Mail review; 

1) Identify the target audience (demographics/psychographics) for this magazine. How is that particular audience attracted?

mainly females of the basis of genral articles form a 60% female to A 40% male audience. The appeal is more to middle class audiences therefore highlighting why there is such a lack of appricaiation for the film.

2) Does the article do more than just entertain? How? (Think of Uses and Gratifications theory) What audience pleasures does the article offer?

identification - they may agree with the viewpoint of the writer.

3) What codes/conventions of print interviews can you find in the article? 

4) How is narrative used to tell a story in each interview? Clue: what is it that keeps the reader interested in the article to the very end?

it is taking a much different approach to the rest of the media texts and the criticism may serves as entertainment for various individuals.  

5) What synergy can you find between this text and the broadcast examples we have studied so far?

this is actually from a much different view point but still makes reference to characters, music and ideas explored on the main media text. 

Thursday, 11 February 2016

I'll mannors broadcast platforms concluded.

DVD extras
Watch the Making Of Ill Manors from the DVD extras. (Watch in class - unavailable online).

1) What does this tell us about Plan B's intentions in making the film?

He intended to highlight to an audience why the things that happen on the streets, happen. As well as develop an understanding of the youth involved in these situations. It is almost as if he is trying to highlight the realism of street kids, he wanted to explore due to his own experience

Moreover, a different aspect highlighted, he had an ambition for British film as he didn't want to be like the others who glamorise London, he wanted an audience too see it for how it really is. And also create a film with a deep character understanding.

He also enjoyed the process of making a film. He enjoyed creating a short film regarding one of the characters he explores in ill mannors and almost made it as a sequel to that short film.

2) What do we learn about the production process for Ill Manors?

He makes the movie almost as a sequel to a short film he enjoyed creating as he explored further these characters. 

They did suffer a few location problems.

Also he had to keep a small group in order to prevent too much attention however many people would notice and most recognised plan b himself. 

He also made a short film yo gather funding for the film as their tight budget even made it hard for them to find places to stay during shooting. 

3) What can you tell about the possible target audience from this short documentary?

Plan b fans, fans of the film, guardian readers etc. Who were present as the Ted talk who would like to learn the matter in further detail. And first time movie makers. 

4) Does the film successfully do what director Ben Drew (Plan B) set out to achieve? Explain your answer with reference to both the film and the 'making of' documentary.

He does create a huge understanding of 'why' these young people end up in the positions that they do. A lot of sympathy is created and understanding of his motivation also helps this sympathy. 

However, he does reinforce the negative stereotype which these working class young people may disagree with as it wouldn't be the reality for all young people in all places of London. 


1) What is SBTV? Research the channel and explain how it became successful.

Founded in November 2006 and focused on young people, posting videos on YouTube and going to young people festivals to raise awareness. And also began to interview famous policy figures such as Charles in 2013 and has since been in various newspapers and magazine such as vogue and gq

Identify the target audience for this interview (demographics/psychographics) and say why

Young, 12-17 audience maybe even 17-23, due to the everyday portrayal.  
The editing and quality suggest a more working class c2-b class due to it not being very professional and clean cut as many people would prefer. 

More likely to appeal to the explorers ready to Tey new things 
2) What is the audience appeal for an interview like this? How does the opening of the clip emphasise this appeal?

It is easier and lighter to engage with due to the jokes and conformable,  everyday setting of it, almost making the viewer feel present in the interview and feel a sort of personal relationship with the individuals due to their relaxed protrayal. 
It's also fast paced and entertaining, the opening reflects this trough to point of view tracking shots making the audience feel present in the whole situation and interview. 

3) How is Plan B (the brand) represented in this text?

As a very everyday, ladish and laid back institution.  It's almost representing the youth and highlighting the care and importantance of the project. 
This also makes it seem focused and valuable due to the effort and importance given and put into the editing process. 

1) What is the history of the Jonathan Ross show? What channels has it appeared on? Why has Jonathan Ross been a controversial media figure in the past?

The show has been on itv then transfered to BBC one. 
Controversial due to the foul language being used and nature if the questions he usually askes, from being too personal to other. And extremely blunt and Frank language used in the show. 

2) Identify the target audience for this interview (demographics/psychographics) and say why.

Also a very young audience 16-33 who are educated at least to collage level but probably higher due to the nature of BBC one. 

3) What is the audience appeal for a programme like the Jonathan Ross show?

The entertainment value is extremely high and a personal relationship pis usually formed with a constant presenter. The bluntness of his questions and remarks serve as entertaining but also too the point which is beneficial to younger audiences who would prefer not to have too pat large amounts of attention over a long period of time. 

4) How is Plan B (the brand) represented in this text?

Knowledge, understanding, funny and to the point. 


1) How popular is BBC Radio 1? Find average listening figures for the station. How has the BBC Radio 1 audience declined over recent years? Why might this have happened?

10.4 million listeners a week. 
The audience figures may have declined due to increasing excess to other forms of media platforms such as online articles, twitter etc. Which have a faster and more convinent access to the information. 

2) Who is the target audience for BBC Radio 1?

Aimed at 15-30 year old. With a taste in vimtemporary music 

Explorers and stragglers and maybe even some mainstreamers. 

3) How does Plan B promote Ill Manors in this interview?

By mentioning it and plating the music. He talks about the release date and the nature of the characters which may appeal to young audiences who perceive themselves in that state 

4) What representation of Plan B can we find in this interview?

Positive, hardworking, understanding. 

Friday, 5 February 2016

Ill Manors broadcast: TEDx lecture

1) Embed the above video in your blogpost and read this Guardian article that accompanied the original event. Remember to also look at the comments below - these can give you a variety of different perspectives and criticisms to the original lecture.

2) Make notes on the lecture: focus on Plan B/Ben Drew's views on the opportunities for young people in London and how these inspired Ill Manors.

  • Young children lose respect for authority because they are ignored and isolated by society so they feel as if they don't belong. When he was younger he listened to rappers whose words guide them despite some of the words being negative. 
  • conscious hip hop is like poetry
  • dominant ideologies in papers are incorrect
  • we need to understand their dysfunctional lives
  • It will only take one person to change their lives - father figure to parent-less kids
  • i've got to swear, talk about these negative things, in order to appeal to the things they're already attracted too (reality of gang culture)
  • going back to poor schools as we have to understand the 'real characters'
  • children believing in you and your success 
  • less educated than  the rest of society 
  • papers openly do it to social class yet it would be controversial to do it about sex, genre, race
  • discrimination of youth by the media
  • call kids , born into poor families, they're going to have you - fuels the fire (part of society)
  • "how do we care more about the shows in society and not the youth"
  • how bad the kids are in this country
  • don't be naive and let the media sway you
  • show them opportunities
  • people passionate about these kids
  • knowledge, care about and like these kids enough to changes their lives
  • we cant have enough money unless we put in the time and energy in what we believe in

  • reinforces stereotypes eg. daily mail  

3) What are Plan B's beliefs/politics? What are his values/ideologies? Explain your answers.

Plan B seems to have a very negative idea about the government and politics. This is highlighted not only by the lyrics of the music video, expressing that these politicians are too rich to understand the hardship of lower class individuals, but also through the fact that politicians cannot make that much of a difference if the people in society feel misunderstood and neglected by them. 
Its almost as Plan B doesn't believe in the impact of politics and their policies because at the end of the day it is down to individuals in society to take action and make a change themselves rather than what 'politicians' , who couldn't care less about these individuals, can do to help. 

He believes that the power of raising awareness and encouraging members of society to understand the background of these kids, and how that will in turn positively impact these individuals and society. 

He also seems to take the view that each individual should have enough education and knowledge to make their own assumptions rather than believe every ideology that main stream media expresses and feeds them, that these are not facts but are instead bias views. 

Moreover, Drew believes that caring enough about individuals and having enough knowledge can can the lives of individuals who are less fortunate in terms of things like education. He believes that we have to be passionate enough to invest time and money into these individuals who feel out-casted by society and make them feel more excepted, in turn preventing any disruptive behaviour and views they may have. 

4) Who is the target audience of the TEDx lecture? Demographics? Psychographics? How do you know? How does this compare to the audience for his music/films?

  • papers openly do it to social class yet it would be controversial to do it about sex, genre, race
  • discrimination of youth by the media
The target audience of the lecture is bound to be much more professional, with an audience of things such as journalists, professors, university lecturers, due to the stage in which he is standing. This would therefore incorporate the higher demographic(as well as the lower end) of AB-C . 
The ideas expressed by Plan B are much more supported of a less fortunate demographic group which would appeal to aspires, succeeder and reformers who look for a way to almost change the world for the better. 
These new views expressed attract the explorers psychographic group. 

This therefore is targeting a much older and higher class audience than his actual film and music video, which has a much younger, working/middle class audience. 

This works to target a wider audience which means he can express his idea to a larger group of people and in turn create more awareness.

5) What does Plan B say about the media? Explain how this can be linked to Cohen's media theory of moral panicsRead this summary of moral panics and the definition from Wikipedia and use them in your answer.

Plan B is suggesting that dominant ideologies in papers are incorrect, as they are openly discriminating against a certain social class, where as they same action for things such as race and sex would be controversial and unacceptable. This idea that the youth is being discriminated by the media yet society lets these inaccurate negative stereotypes being portrayed onto the media highlighting these inaccurate representations.

This links to the concept of moral panic as it is spreading fear in society about a certain age/social group. It is arousing social concern hence the popularity in main stream media. 

This idea of the media dramatic coverage of the matter links to the stage of occurrence and signification. made violent by the media. This is then like the step of wider social implication as peoples gained [prejudice and constant portrayal "feeds the flames" of anger in the social/age group. Due to the connection made.