Friday, 6 November 2015

Dependency theory

Dependency theory: blog task

  1. What do YOU primarily use the media for: entertainment or information? (Or something else?)
I use it for both, but only for relevant information. Its actually an equal balance between the two cause you can always Google anything.
  1. To what extent do you feel we are dependent on the media?
A very high extent because everyone uses it as a source of continuous information and entertainment and this would be hard to deal with for everyone... 
  1. Has our dependence on the media changed over the last 10 years? How?
What form of media we are dependent on. For example, 10 years ago people where probably more addicted to TV whereas now it would be our phones and our social media.
  1. Read this Telegraph article – does this support Dependency theory? What is your personal opinion on this issue? 
This does support the theory. This is because it talks about how we depend on the way we use the media. I think its true as we tend to look just on the internet for information whereas hardly anyone knows how to use an atlas or anything. 

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