Sunday, 22 November 2015

Representation (and theories)

Find a YouTube clip from film or TV and complete the same activity we have just done in class:

  • White men: Alternative, as they are more submissive than pro-dominantly portrayed.
  • White women: Dominant, as they are working under someone and are being submissive.
  • Black man: Dominant in the fact that they dominate but alternative as he is the main man in power.
  • Women: Dominant, as they're working beneath someone but alternative as we are made clear the female protagonists disagreement. 
  • Males: Dominant as one is in power and strives to be listened to but alternative as other males are forced to listen are are less impulsive.
  • Young adults: Dominant as Males are still joking about and impulsive in disagreement, both genders are given less power.
  • Adults: Dominant as they have more power over the situation and give commands
  • Groups: Dominant are there is a leader and the rest are in consensus. 
Task 2; 

You now need to write an in-depth analysis of the representation in this clip as if you were writing an essay or exam answer. 

The representation of men in the clip are varied. There is a dominant representation of men in the sense that the main person in power is a male character who strives to be listened to. The theory of Mudhurst can therefore be applied, as you see an older male, who seems fairly built and you presume he has both mental and physical power and therefore be assertive and probably aggressive if not listened to, like an 'alpha male'. This is also reinforced through the costume he is wearing, he is wearing a sort of 'bullet proof vest' suggesting that he may be a sort of solider. This may create the concept that he is the 'good guy' maybe even the doner, and in turn having much more powerful and positive connotations such as him being strategic and trustworthy. This may mean that Perkins stereotype theory may apply in the sense that this positive representation isn't very negative and is often true regarding the solider profession. Alternatively the representation of the younger male characters is that they are less impulsive and listen, this is an alternative representation as young adults aren't usually represented as less impulsive and calm. This may be subverting from typical stereotypes however some of them are still impulsive in disagreement and immature. Strauss' theory of ideologies can therefore be applied as this may be the belief of the producer who is likely to be an adult and maybe even have children therefore sharing this stereotypical view that young males are immature and impulsive, this therefore also involves dyers theory as these are less powerful individuals and therefore their representation can be presented in this certain way. Moreover in terms of the male representation another interesting aspect is that the powerful man is in face a black man. This is a dominant reading in the sense that black males are stereo-typically associated with being assertive and easily dominate other characters however alternative in the aspect that he is in power. He is of a minority group which deters from Dyers concept that minority group individuals have less power and are therefore in turn represented in a negative light however this therefore supports Perkins theory as this idea of black men have a dominating character isn't a fully negative aspect, also partially true and the fact that he is in power is in fact a positive rather than negative thing .Another racial aspect is that the white males in the clip are presented as less powerful and submissive which is also an alternative representation, moreover it opposes Dyer also as it represents a fairly powerful group in a more negative light and in turn supports Perkins idea that stereotypes aren't always about less powerful groups.

Alternatively in this representation of male characters there is also a representation of female characters too. There is both a dominant and alternative representation, it is dominant in the aspect that they are working beneath a male character, which is somewhat true of our society therefore showing an aspect of Mudhurst as its a negative representation of a minority group but Perkins' theory in the aspect that there is some aspect of truth in this representation. However, there is an alternative reading due to the fact that these women are represented as they are not submissive and openly express their disappointment and disagreement with the authority figure. 

Friday, 6 November 2015

Dependency theory

Dependency theory: blog task

  1. What do YOU primarily use the media for: entertainment or information? (Or something else?)
I use it for both, but only for relevant information. Its actually an equal balance between the two cause you can always Google anything.
  1. To what extent do you feel we are dependent on the media?
A very high extent because everyone uses it as a source of continuous information and entertainment and this would be hard to deal with for everyone... 
  1. Has our dependence on the media changed over the last 10 years? How?
What form of media we are dependent on. For example, 10 years ago people where probably more addicted to TV whereas now it would be our phones and our social media.
  1. Read this Telegraph article – does this support Dependency theory? What is your personal opinion on this issue? 
This does support the theory. This is because it talks about how we depend on the way we use the media. I think its true as we tend to look just on the internet for information whereas hardly anyone knows how to use an atlas or anything. 

Thursday, 5 November 2015

Audience theory: blog tasks

Hypodermic needle model

1) Read this Mail Online article about the effects of videogames. How does this article link to the hypodermic needle model?

The article shows that there is a direct correlation between aggressive attitudes and playing video games that are violent. It shows us that the media, the video game, directly influences our behaviour, aggression despite other factors. 

2) How does coverage of the Talk Talk hacking case link to the hypodermic needle model? Why might someone criticise this front page? 

The front page is directly saying that the media, violent video games, are the cause of the teenagers hacking ability. This front page may however be criticised due to the fact that it seems to be reinforcing stereotypes and targeting certain groups "single mother", "video games" "15" and "hardly leaves his bedroom" are creating negative connotations with the groups. Moreover these aspects cannot have a direct link yet they are being used in the heading of the news story.
Two-step flow model

1) Summarise the two-step flow model. In your opinion, is the two-step flow theory still relevant today?
The model highlights that powerful opinion leaders of the media influence the audience due to social factors. This is increasingly relevent today as there is an increased use of social media where people can openly share their opinions e.g on twitter.

2) How does this YouTube blogger fit into the two-step flow model?
They have 2 million subscribers showing that they are a popular channel and they post videos sharing their opinions on issues, such as political ones and they audience may follow these ideas. 

3) How this this Telegraph article on influential tweeters fit the two-step flow model?

It shows how social media is used by celebrities and certain personalities that can express their belifs and opinions on a wide range of audiences as well as becoming extremely influential even on political levels (as some celebs topped even political leaders)

4) Read this BBC profile of Jamal Edwards. How does Jamal Edwards link to the two-step flow model?
His opinions and voices are being heard. 

Uses and Gratifications

1) For each of the four categories, write about one media text that fits that particular audience use or pleasure. Make sure you explain WHY it fits the category and use images or clips to illustrate your points.

Diversion: Social media, such as Instagram, where you have irrelevant things on your feed which helps you forget about all else and just see these engaging yet pointless things which work as a form of pleasure.

Personal Relationships: Dramas/Reality shows such as big brother. You often find characters/personalities that you like watching and you begin to watch all the episodes. 

Personal Identity: Social media, such as tumblr, is somewhere where we follow the people who identify ourselves with and have similar tastes and interests as them and therefore we see a bit of ourselves with these bloggers. 

Surveillance: News channels, such as bbc news, where you get 24 hours news that we need to know etc. Also things such as weather apps also fit well into this category